Spring Cleaning: Get the Whole Family Involved!

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It’s that time of year again. Spring is here, and that means it’s time to go through drawers, clean the pantry, dust the shelves and organize your closets. It sounds like a lot to do, so why not recruit your family to help? Easier said than done, right? It doesn’t have to be! Here are three tips that will help motivate your family for spring cleaning.
Little by little.
Spring cleaning can be a big chore that can span days or even weeks. Give your family a rest by breaking larger projects into bite-size chunks. Instead of cleaning an entire room in one go, try starting with a cupboard or a shelf. That way, the task won’t seem as daunting.
Make it a game.
Getting your house in order may sound like a pain, but it doesn’t have to feel like one. Grab your family, pick a room and set a timer for 30 minutes. Make it a race by seeing how much cleaning you and your kids can get done before the timer runs out. Not only will your family work together to beat the clock, the room will be clean in no time!
Give an incentive.
Kids can be the hardest to motivate. Not only are you asking them to give up their free time to clean, there’s also a good chance that you’ll be asking them to get rid of some of their belongings. You can alleviate some of that dread by offering an incentive. Remind them that when they get rid of some of their old things, they’ll have more room for newer items they’ve had their eyes on.
Spring cleaning with your family is more efficient than trying to organize your home for the warmer months on your own. Just follow these three pieces of advice, and your home will be sparkling!
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