Two Ways to Always Be Ready for Spontaneous Summer Entertaining

Two Ways to Always Be Ready for Spontaneous Summer Entertaining

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Do you love spur-of-the-moment summer parties and picnics as much as we do? There's just something about inviting a few friends over for a carefree, spontaneous celebration that feels so summer. The next time the urge strikes you for a lunch on the lawn or a last minute dinner on the patio, don't be caught totally unprepared. Keep a few party-ready essentials packed and ready to go so when the opportunity arises, you can entertain at a moment's notice.


1. Stock a beverage station with everything you'll need for a summer soiree.

A beverage station in your pantry is your entertainment home base. Along with the usual glasses and beverages, you can also store outdoor-friendly drink supplies in a cabinet underneath. Plastic cups, screw-top bottles of sparkling water, and a portable ice container stowed nearby mean you can move your party outside with ease.


2. Keep a basket or small container packed with all your "party add-ons" in the pantry or in the garage near the door.

Streamers, fun napkins, confetti, sparklers - whatever you deem necessary for the perfect impromptu summer bash! Keeping these fun little extras stashed in an easy to reach spot means you can turn an average lunch on the porch into an event at the drop of hat!


A beverage station and a "party basket" are two easy little ways to be ready for an extra special get-together whenever the mood strikes you. Beautiful summer weather is always cause for celebration - and now you'll be prepared to entertain in the outdoors, on the patio, on the deck...anywhere and anytime you feel like it!


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