How to Stay Organized All Year

How to Stay Organized All Year

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Keeping your home organized all year long can seem overwhelming. How can you make sure everything is perfectly arranged? When you break your to-do list down into daily, weekly and monthly chores, getting and staying organized becomes much easier. Keeping your home organized all year doesn’t have to take a significant amount of energy. All you need to do is prioritize with these three organizing tips.



There are a few things you can do every day to keep your home looking tidy and neat. Making sure papers and mail are filed takes just a few minutes. Hang clothing in the closet or fold them onto shelves. And, most importantly, follow to the old adage, “Don’t leave a room messier than you found it.” That means if you take something out, put it away before leaving the room.



Some organization tasks take a bit longer to complete than daily chores, but they still need to be done. The most efficient thing to do: manage clutter. Instead of thinking of de-cluttering as a mammoth thing on your organizing list, tackle it in smaller chunks. Spend a few minutes in each room to identify a few things you can tidy up or toss out. That way, you’ll be putting your things away before they start piling up.



Then there are the big undertakings. While they aren’t necessarily difficult to finish, they do take some time. Once a month, choose a room or space in your home and give it a deep clean. Need a couple ideas to get you going? One month you could clean and reorganize your medicine cabinet. Another month and you could focus on the media room and rearrange books, movies, games and toys. Yet another month could be dedicated to organizing the pantry and kitchen cupboards or cleaning out the bedroom closet.


By using the tips above, it’d be easy to keep your home in order all year! 


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